Good morning dear, I just want to
tell you about this morning. Rindu has come to me. It faced me at all, Rindu
always says your name.
Good afternoon my dear, I want to
tell you about Rindu again. Even that day in my campus, Rindu come to me. I
don’t know what was the goal, but at the time Rindu always says your name
Good evening my dear, I want to tell
you about Rindu anymore. Until now, i don’t undesrtand what made Rindu to
follow me at all. In the bookstore, Rindu told me how calm your eyes. Rindu
told me how soft your hair.
Good night my dear, again, i want to
tell you about Rindu. Yeah, Rindu makes me crazy, dear. How not? At the
midnight, It come me and knock the door. For that time it told me that was a
amazing sweet voice when you were reading Quran.
Dear, I should what? What should I
do to Rindu? It would come as its want without my invitation. But I can’t even
hold it to face me. And when I ignored it, that makes Rindu to come again
Good morning dear, I thought Rindu
makes me crazy going on. Yeah, that’s right dear. This morning, Rindu come to
me again. But, something’s strange. Rindu just stand and quite over the window.
But, quite is not a silence. Know that Rindu has come, makes me so crowded. My
heart would break out, my face going to red, and I feel like some bugs flying
soft in my head.
Oh Rindu, why do you make me crazy
like this? Why do you always find me? You are so bad, you impressed me so bad.
Dear, i hope you are here now. I want
you to close me, here in my side. So, Rindu can’t disturb me anymore. I’m so
sorry, dear. Even I’m crying when Rindu come to me. Each of my tears falling
itself without winked my eyes. I’m
groning in my cry. Rindu has won over my day, dear.
Good afternoon dear, I’m still sad
until this noon. But this afternoon I’m not sad anymore. This time, I want to
tell you about the others, not Rindu. My tears which was felt because of Rindu
without I know, you raised me up. You make me stronger dear.
Yeah, Rindu has made me crazy, Rindu
has broken my days even my life. My health, my heart, and my mind always in
down because of Rindu. Suddenly, I’m thinking of you. Your smile, your face
like I stand in front of you. And then you hug me. Give a sign that i may not
When you are gone in my eyes, I wipe
my tears. Rindu is still here. But it does nothing. I say the name of God. And
I say the name of God again. Again and again. I’m so sorry God, has forgot You.
I’m running drom the 4th floor my
campus, i wash in wudhu and pray Dhuha. Over the rug, I talk to God. About you,
about i’m with you, about i’m to you, and about Rindu which has so bad to me.
Then I go back to the class. I’m so
calm when I remember you. You as a person that I was amazed. Give me great
motivate. You as a good person in my eyes. I think that was not a chance when
we met in Ramadhan a year ago. Even some words that you told at the Friday, I
still remember it.
Study well, dear. I know that is not
a right time yet to us for meet. Although, both of we no messages are sent, no
telephones are rang. But i’m not wary, everyday I passed as a person who taking
care himself because I believe my heart has been had for the right person.
That’s your way to safe me from
Rindu. I don’t know who will come to me tomorrow, or visit my home. I don’t
know too who will face in my the campus at the day after tomorrow. Or, who will
follow me when I go. Or who will make so crazy and cry when it comes. But,
everytime Rindu comes, I hope you are here, come and safe me again.
For you who actually not in part a
thosand miles from me. I want you to know that I’m not good face but my
generation are fine, I’m not rich but my cloth is not like ragged. I’m not
anyone at all. I’m an usual person with the usual faith. But i’m waiting for
you. I wait for you meet me again, when both of we become adult.
From the all reality in the world, I
believe that each of humans had been created as a couple. I believe that Eve
had been created from Adam’s left ribs. And I believe too that I has lost my
left ribs. And for body that has my left ribs, as you know that I will not get
the wrong left ribs and my left ribs would not be gotten by other people.
Therefor I will keep in running. To seek my left ribs which is lost. I know
that you, my left ribs, will be waiting for me certainly.
From that time, dear, all of about
you, all about us, and all about Ridu which will come to me, I will tell all to
God. From my pray to Him. Of course, your health, your happiness, will be my
pray. Dear, thanks for make me close to our God.
Good night, dear. How are you there?
How is your college? How is your reading Quran? I think I don’t have a story to
tell you tonight. But i want to ask you something. Love has found me. Has it
come to you too?
.: Heru Setiawan :.